- 17 March 2022, Thursday
- 10:00am – 11:30am (MYT)
- Virtual Event
CFOs as accelerators of digital priorities in 2022
About this event
Part of Malaysia’s MyDIGITAL blueprint includes a five-year RM15 billion investment plan by the government to help companies reduce operating costs and improve analytical efficiency.
IDC Malaysia research manager, Duncan Tan, says this will be a catalyst for local companies to embrace dynamic consumption, build resilient infrastructure but also take advantage of cloud as the enabler for Digital Transformation in their organization.
Gartner’s 2022 Finance Digital Plans & Priorities lists improve the flexibility of budgeting & forecasting (58%), develop digital skills (56%), redefine employee value proposition in hybrid environments (54%) are the top three areas that finance leaders will be spending most of their time in 2022.
While addressing data governance (67%) is where finance leaders expect to face the most significant challenge.
For Malaysia, the convergence of these two presents both challenges and opportunities for companies of all sizes. The challenges for CFO include mapping these against the business priorities and goals of the company in 2022 and beyond, developing a strategy that makes optimum use of available resources, and identifying a digital strategy that not only transforms the organisation to be competitive in the new, uncertain, and evolving marketplace.
Welcome to CFOs as accelerators of digital priorities in 2022, a virtual roundtable exclusively organised for finance leaders in Malaysia aimed at helping make sense of the many challenges and opportunities present.
Jointly organised by FutureCFO and SAP, the 90-minute virtual roundtable will provide participants with workable guideposts for navigating the challenges ahead of us.
Who Should Attend?
- CFOs, finance directors, VPs of finance, financial controllers & other senior finance executives / professionals
In partnership with:

Time | Topic |
10:00am | Welcome & Housekeeping Allan Tan, Group Editor-in-Chief, CXOCIETY |
10:05am | Opening Keynote Senior Executive, PROOFPOINT |
10:25am |
Fireside Chat – Interview with a CISO |
10:45am | Keynote Presentation Senior Executive, PROOFPOINT |
11:05am | Panel discussion: What works and doesn’t work in cybersecurity |
11:35am | Ask the Experts |
11:50am | Closing Remarks |
12:00pm | End of event |

Allan Tan

Allan Tan

Allan Tan