
Yuanita Rohali

Director of Finance

Experienced for 18 years as Finance Director, Yuanita began his career at Credit Lyonnais Bank Indonesia in 1995 with his last position as Vice President, Head of Corporate Banking. During the 1998 crisis, Yuanita had experience handling corporate debt restructuring.

Her first career as Finance Director commenced in the public company PT Bakrie & Brothers Tbk in 2004. Yuanita became the leader of BNBR Blue Print and several other corporate actions, such as IDR 50 trillion Right Issue and Acquisition. Yuanita also has the expertise to initiate new companies and bring them IPOs and develop them, such as PT Petromine Energy Trading in 2009 and USD 232 million IPO of PT Bumi Resources Minerals Tbk in 2010. In 2015, Yuanita Rohali has succesfully built a large storage tank facility in Kalimantan under PT Petrostorindo Energy where a joint venture with Beyond Petrolum (BP) where she is also holding director position.

Yuanita currently serves as Finance Director at Bakrie Energy International Pte Ltd, Bakrie Petroleum International Pte Ltd and PT Petromine Energy Trading, PT Petrostorindo Energy and PT Bumi Energy Nabati. Having served as director and commissioner in dozens of Bakrie Group companies, the industries that Yuanita has engaged in include: Operating holding, Investment Holding, Oil Palm and Rubber Plantations, Mining & Minerals, Pipes, Automotive Components, Steel Construction, Shipping and Fuel trading & logistic.

With an education back ground of the Bachelor of Computer Science from the University of Indonesia, Yuanita continued her education in the Master of Management, University of Indonesia and the Master of Commerce specializing in Applied Finance from the University of New South Wales, Australia through the Australian Government scholarship program (AIDAB). Recently, Yuanita just completed her Phd in Islamic Economic & Finance with GPA of 4.0 Yuanita has been a member of the Indonesia Stock Exchange’s Trading Committee for two periods and was a member of organizing commitee of the Indonesian Stock Listed Companies Association.

She has been currently active in various organizations including, board member of CFO Club Indonesia, board member of Syariah Council – KADIN, the Treasurer of the Association of Companies holding General Business Permits, Treasurer for ILUNI Fasilkom UI (2017-2021) and Chairman of the Yayasan Islamadina Bayana, a foundation in actively engages in the field of religious, education, social and humanitarian. Yuanita also holds a position as a Sharia Supervisory Board at Yayasan Komunitas Pengusaha Muslim